本幅以一漁父為開端,越過岸邊的山脈巨石後,進入一個安和樂利的聚落。聚落中各種野花盛開,文士們或讀書,或飲茶對談,或倚榻乘涼等,其餘則漁夫捕魚,童僕灑掃、備茶,兒童們下棋,小狗跳躍等,全幅充滿各種生活細節的描繪。此種對於細節多樣性的活潑呈現確為仇英風格,然筆法稍弱,應為後人仿作。本幅的構圖設計、內容與青綠的使用,整體呈現出桃花源的意象。(20100710)&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁45-48&* This work begins at the right with fishermen and then, after jumping to a mountain range and a large rocky area on the other bank, we enter a peaceful and happy village. Many different kinds of wild flowers bloom as scholars study, drink tea in conversation, and lean on a daybed to cool off. The other figures include scenes of fishermen at work, young attendants sweeping and preparing tea, children playing Chinese chess, and a dog cavorting, the painting full of details from life. Such expressions of everyday life were the most important selling points of Qiu Ying’s style. The use of the large rocky area to separate the village, combined with the blue-and-green landscape style, gives the overall impression of a utopia.(20100710)